Reuben and Mary Taniguchi Graduate Fellowship in Accounting

College of Business – Accounting The Rueben and Mary Taniguchi Graduate Fellowship in Accounting shall be a permanent endowment and shall be used for the benefit of the Accounting Department in the College of Business. Funds distributed from the endowment shall be used to provide graduate fellowships to students pursuing a graduate degree in Accounting.

$500 - $1000
College of Business - Accounting
Supplemental Questions
  1. College of Business - Accounting
    • Are you active in Accounting students groups or activities such as Beta Alpha Psi, the Accounting Society or VITA?
    • In what City, County and State did you attend high school?
    • What is your Accounting GPA?
  2. Please submit a one page essay, double spaced, describing your current and future contributions to the Department of Theatre Arts and Dance.