Philip Barnard Endowed Scholarship

The Philip Barnard Scholarship was one of the first scholarships established exclusively for students in the MSMR Program. Philip Barnard had a long and successful career in marketing research, leading international research companies and organizations before becoming the first CEO and Chairman of Kantar, one of the world’s largest marketing research companies. This award is reserved for students who distinguish themselves at UT Arlington. Although academic success is a requirement for consideration, that is only one characteristic of past recipients. Award winners have demonstrated leadership, in and out of the classroom, professional success, in internships and beyond the program, volunteerism, and strong individual character.

Recipients of this scholarship:

  • Must be a declared marketing research major currently enrolled (or intending to enroll) in the Master of Science in Marketing Research (MSMR) program at UTA;
  • Must have completed a minimum of nine (9) semester hours of courses in the MSMR Program or have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Must have achieved a minimum of overall GPA of 3.25 and a minimum MSMR GPA of 3.25 in courses completed at an accredited college or university;
  • Must have at least nine (9) semester hours of study remaining to complete the MSMR degree at UTA.

College of Business - Marketing
Supplemental Questions
  1. Philip Barnard Profile (MSMR Question Set)
    • A) Please briefly describe a recent professional and/or personal experience that you believe you handled differently than you might have prior to this semester.
    • B) Please briefly describe a recent extracurricular activity that has had an influence on your professional development and/or personal perspective.
    • C) Please identify a program alum who has had a strong influence on you and briefly describe how they have impacted your journey.
    • D) Philip Barnard is widely regarded as a pioneer in the marketing research industry. He doesn't speak publicly much, so we don't know how current he is on technology, analytics, and even project design. If you were given 10 minutes with the explicit task of identifying and explaining a significant difference between marketing research today and that conducted when this scholarship was named in his honor (roughly 20 years ago), what would you say to him?
    • E) Please upload a copy of your current professional resume or cv. Please make sure the filename includes your last name and the word 'resume'.
    • F) Please upload one letter of recommendation from a classmate. Select someone whom you believe understands when you are at your best and your worst. Ask them to write an honest letter of reference for you. This will help them work on their skills and provide you with a clear view of your strengths and challenges. You can upload the document here or you/they can email it to
    • G) Please upload a copy of your unofficial graduate transcript. Please make sure the filename includes your last name and the word 'gradtranscript'.
    • H) For which of the following MSMR scholarships have you applied for the upcoming semester?
    • J) Please check each box in the list below to indicate your agreement with the conditions of the award.