MSMR Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship

MSMR Alumni Association Scholarship for continuing students of the MSMR program. This scholarship is awarded to continuing students based on a rank ordering of eligible students. Students must meet the following criteria when applying:

  • Current GPA at least 3.5 (verified with submitted unofficial transcript)
  • Completion of at least 9 graduate hours of MSMR program courses (excluding general marketing courses) AND enrollment in at least 9 graduate hours of MSMR program Spring term (or 6 hours if graduating)
  • MSMR program involvement and extracurricular activities
    Other sources of funding or other scholarships will be considered in scholarship application. Students who have only 6 hours left in the program are eligible to apply.

Students who have NOT taken any Marketing Research courses are not eligible to apply.

College of Business - Marketing
Supplemental Questions
  1. MSMR Alumni Profile (MSMR Question Set)
    • A) Please briefly describe a recent professional and/or personal experience that you believe you handled differently than you might have prior to this semester.
    • B) Please briefly describe a recent extracurricular activity that has had an influence on your professional development and/or personal perspective.
    • C) The Robin Alex Award was established to honor program graduates who mentor students in the program. Please identify a program graduate who has had an impact on you and briefly explain how they have mentored you.
    • D) Self-evaluation is difficult, but self-evaluation to identify strengths is even more difficult. Please take on this difficult challenge by completing the following statement: "I believe I am a leader because...".
    • E) Please upload a copy of your current professional resume or cv. Please make sure the filename includes your last name and the word 'resume'.
    • F) Please upload one letter of recommendation from a classmate. Select someone whom you believe understands when you are at your best and your worst. Ask them to write an honest letter of reference for you. This will help them work on their skills and provide you with a clear view of your strengths and challenges. You can upload the document here or you/they can email it to
    • G) Please upload a copy of your unofficial graduate transcript. Please make sure the filename includes your last name and the word 'gradtranscript'.
    • H) For which of the following MSMR scholarships have you applied for the upcoming semester?
    • J) Please check each box in the list below to indicate your agreement with the conditions of the award.