Laura Goodnight Poor Civil Engineering Scholarship

The Laura Goodnight Poor Civil Engineering Scholarship is intended for full-time Civil Engineering students, with a preference for women provided there is limited participation of women in Civil Engineering at UTA.


Full-time Civil Engineering students continuing in good standing that have applied for admission to the Civil Engineering program that satisfy the criteria of:

Undergraduate Students
1. 3.0 GPA
2. Either in Professional Civil Engineering Program or scoring 1700 on the SAT

Graduate Students
Master’s Degree Ph.D. Degree
1. Unconditional admission 1. Unconditional admission
2. Scoring 153 on the GRE 2. Scoring 155 on the GRE
3. GPA of 3.2 on last 60 hours of undergrad 3. GPA of 3.5 on Master’s level courses
4. 3.5 GPA on Master’s courses 4. 3.7 GPA on Ph.D. courses

Preference for women and U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

College of Engineering - Civil Engineering