El Club Del Exito (The Success Club) Scholarship

This scholarship is for enrolled, undergraduate students that are from DFW and who are pursuing their first bachelor’s degree while also pursuing a micro-credential at UTA through the Coursera platform. Preference is given to students that transferred to UTA from TCC or DCCCD and/or are first generation college students (neither parent has obtained a bachelor’s degree).

Financial Aid/Scholarships
Supplemental Questions
  1. Did you transfer to UTA from TCC or DCCCD?
  2. Are you an undergraduate student pursuing your first bachelor's degree and are also enrolled in pursuing a micro-degree (micro-credential at UTA through the Coursera platform)?
  3. If you answered yes to the question above, please name the micro-degree that you are pursuing.
  4. Are you from the DFW area?
  5. If you answered yes to the question above, please name the city and your zip code.
  6. How do you intend to use your degree to give back to your community?
  7. What barriers have you overcome in your life to reach UTA?
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