Jack and Doris Fouse Scholarship for Study Abroad

The Jack and Doris Fouse scholarship supports a one-time study abroad trip for College of Business students, with priority given to those majoring in International Business. The The scholarship is competitive and based on academic merit and achievements. Financial need will also be a consideration.

Scholarship Requirements:

  • Declared Business major and in good standing with UTA, COB, and Major on the date of application
  • Minimum overall 3.0 GPA in all coursework completed at UTA
  • Full-time enrollment (12 hours minimum in Fall/Spring semester; 6 hours in Summer; 3 hours in Wintermester/Maymester)
  • At least one study abroad courses must apply towards degree program

The College of Business enables students to reach the highest level of academic excellence. We believe that a study abroad experience is critical in developing an understanding of the world around us. These international experiences will complement the academic experience we provide, and will open new worlds and horizons.

About the donor: Dr. Jacqualyn Fouse (BA ’82, MA ’84 Economics, and Ph.D. ’12) has generously funded The Jack and Doris Fouse Scholarship for Study Abroad in honor of her parents. She is the Chief Executive Officer at Agios Pharmaceuticals and strongly believes in the value of international experience. It was Dr. Fouse’s high school trip to France that set her on the path of a global career in international business. Her career has taken her around the world many times over; she is fluent in several languages and has lived overseas for significant portions of her working life.

College of Business - Dean
Supplemental Questions
  1. I am interested in a scholarship for the following semester
  2. Citizenship/Residency
    • Are you a:
    • If International Student, specify country
  3. Travel Abroad
    • Have you ever traveled abroad?
    • If you have traveled abroad, list all countries visited
  4. Study Abroad Progam of Interest
    • Intended dates of travel/study. Indicate start and end dates
    • Location of Program
    • Name of Institution
    • Name of Program
    • Type of Program
  5. Please list any awards, honors, activities, and organizational memberships