The Texas Bilingual Scholars (TBS) Program

Program Purpose
The purpose of the Bilingual Education Program is to encourage students who enroll in an educator preparation program at a participating university to earn a certification to teach bilingual education, English as a second language, or Spanish in public school districts in Texas with high critical needs.

Eligibility Requirements
- be admitted at a participating institution to the Teacher Education Program in Bilingual Education or other comparable program for teacher education in English as a second language or Spanish (Spanish is not currently a program in UTA’s educator preparation program);
- have demonstrated financial need, defined as cost of attendance minus the calculated EFC (see TAC, Section 22.1(14)); and
- maintain a minimum cumulative 3.0 grade point average.
Selective Service Statement (TAC, Title 19, Section 22.3): Under TEC, Title 3, Section 51.9095, an individual must file a statement of their Selective Service status with the institution confirming registration or exemption.

Note: *This is a need-based opportunity. Students receiving awards through the Bilingual Education Program are issued grants in the form of tuition assistance. The Office of Financial Aid will identify the amount of the award for approved students. If the financial need is not supported, the award will be reduced or canceled.

Per Texas Family Code, Title 5, Section 231.006, a student who is obligated to pay child support and is more than 30 days delinquent is not eligible to receive a state-funded grant.

College of Education - General Scholarships
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you an individual who must file a statement of you Selective Service status with the institution confirming registration or exemption?
  2. If yes, have you filed a statement of your Selective Service status with the university confirming registration or exemption.?
  3. Per Texas Family Code, Title 5, Section 231.006, I certify that in the event I am obligated to pay child support, I am not more than 30 days delinquent on any payments. I declare that I meet all eligibility requirements for this grant and agree that in the event I am found ineligible I may be required to repay any amount received and that I may be ineligible for additional grant disbursements.