Nancy and James Schaefer Nursing Scholarship

College of Nursing Conditional Application – The Nancy and James Schaefer Nursing Scholarship shall benefit the College of Nursing. Scholarships shall be used to support nursing students with great financial need. Awardees who continue to meet the award criteria are eligible to reapply. Open only to applicants who started the upper-division BSN program on May 15, 2023


  • Recipients must be currently enrolled at UT Arlington
  • Classified as junior or senior year student of undergraduate study
  • GPA of 2.75 or better
  • Demonstrate great financial need

Note: All scholarship offer notifications will be sent via your UTA email account ONLY. Please check it frequently. Scholarships are not awarded in the summer. Applications submitted during the Spring are awarded in the Fall and applications submitted in the Fall are awarded in the Spring. After submitting your application, please confirm application was submitted. Only completed applications will be considered.

Students receiving this renewable scholarship must reapply during the application cycle and must meet the eligibility requirements.

Additional questions or concerns, email

College of Nursing
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please indicate your level in the UG Nursing Program.
  2. Do you have debt that causes you challenges or financial burden?
  3. Please describe how your debt causes you challenges or financial burden? Please be very specific in your response. If this does not apply, type "Not applicable".
  4. Do you have issues or concerns that impact your academic ability?
  5. Please describe the issues or concerns that impact your academic ability. Please be very specific in your response. If this does not apply, type "Not applicable".
  6. Are you the primary care giver of a family member/person?
  7. Please describe how you are the primary care giver of a family member/person. Please be very specific in your response. If this does not apply, type "Not applicable".
  8. Are you the primary or ONLY source of income for the family?
  9. Please describe how you are the primary or only source of income for the family. Please be very specific in your response. If this does not apply, type "Not applicable".
  10. Are you able to meet basic needs of living?
  11. Please describe how you are unable to meet basic needs of living. Please be very specific in your response. If this does not apply, type "Not applicable".
  12. Are you supporting another family member in college?
  13. Please describe how you are supporting another family member in college? Please be very specific in your response. If this does not apply, type "Not applicable".
  14. Are there any other circumstance not mentioned that you feel meets a financial need? If yes, please be very specific in your response. If no, type "No other information to share".
  15. Are you a member of a student nursing organization? Please select all that apply.
  16. List any officer position(s) you currently hold in a student nursing organization. If none, please type "No officer positions held".
  17. How many hours of volunteer work have you completed with a UTA student nursing organization within the last 12 months? (Only numbers allowed in response. No other characters.)
  18. Are you member of a community, religious, charitable or professional organization? If yes, enter the name of the organization. If no, enter "Not a member of any other organizations".
  19. List any officer positions you currently hold in a community, religious, charitable or professional organizations (Non-Nursing). If none, please type "No officer positions held".
  20. How many hours of volunteer work have you completed with a community, religious, charitable or professional organizations (other than nursing organizations) within the last 12 months? (Only numbers allowed in response. No other characters.)
  21. I hereby acknowledge that the information submitted is true and correct.
  22. Show 16 more