Dr. John L. Fry Endowment for the Department of Physics

For scholarships and graduate fellowships to undergraduate and/or graduate students in the Physics Department who have academic excellence and financial need, to be determined at the discretion of the Physics Department scholarship selection committee.

College of Science - Physics
Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you presented any research at a conference and or workshop( in-state or out of state)? If yes please list list full title and author list and please indicate wheather it was a talk or a poster. If you are a graduate student please disinguish between undergrad and graduate presentations.
  2. Have you passed ALL the qualifier exams? (Graduate students only)
  3. Are you doing any research in Physics? If yes with whom and what is your research topic.
  4. Have you passed the comprehensive exam? (Graduate Student only)
  5. Do you volunteer in the Physics department and or the College of Science? If yes please explain.
  6. Please ask a physics faculty member to write a letter of recommendation and up load it into this field or send it to physics@uta.edu.
  7. Do you have any refereed journal/ conference publications? If yes please list with full citation.
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