Douglas Britt Carvey Classics Award

College of Liberal Arts – Philosophy and Humanities; Classics Program. The Douglas Britt Carvey Classics Award celebrates the memory of “Doug” Carvey, a graduate of Trinity Valley School of Fort Worth who earned his bachelor’s degree from Pitzer College. At the University of Texas at Arlington Doug was a dedicated and enthusiastic student in the Classics Program.

Both undergraduate and graduate students are invited to submit scholarly essays on any aspect of Greco-Roman civilization in competition for the award. This year’s cash pool will be distributed to one or more winning entries, which will be announced at UTA’s Adventures in Antiquity symposium.

Papers should take as their topic some artifact(s) or aspect(s) of Greco-Roman antiquity, within one of the following areas: literature, mythology, art, archaeology, history, philosophy, cultural studies, or reception studies. The papers should be 2500-4000 words long (roughly 10-15 pages, double-spaced) and may include illustrations if appropriate. Submissions meeting these requirements will be judged by a panel of Classical Studies faculty members. (The word count includes notes but not bibliography.)

Please be advised to choose a topic specific enough to be treated adequately in 10-15 pages. We are NOT looking for broad surveys of Greco-Roman literature, myth, art, etc., which would necessarily be superficial and unduly indebted to other people’s scholarship. What we ARE looking for is an original argument (based as necessary in previous scholarship) that addresses a text, artifact, or aspect of the Classical civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome. If you have questions about your choice of topic, please contact Dr. Charles Chiasson (; 272-3216).

$3,500 (for distribution to multiple winners)
College of Liberal Arts - Philosophy and Humanities; Classics Program - Carvey Prize
Supplemental Questions
  1. Greco-Roman civilization essay
  2. Title of Essay
  3. What is the word count of this essay (does not include Bibliography)?